31/07/2023 - Italian Design Brands S.p.A.: Verifica dei requisiti di indipendenza dei componenti del Collegio Sindacale

Verifica dei requisiti di indipendenza dei componenti del collegio sindacale

Italian Design Brands S.p.A. ("IDB"),Italian industrial Group in high-quality design, announces that the Board of Directors, which gathered on 27 July 2023, took note ofthe results of the assessment carried out by the new Board of Statutory Auditors as to whether the Standing Auditors appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting on 9 May 2023, Mr. Filippo Annunziata (Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors), Ms. Marzia Nicelli (Standing Auditor) and Prof. Fabio Buttignon (Standing Auditor), meet the independence requirements envisaged by the law and by the Corporate Governance Code promoted by the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. The assessment was carried out on the basis of the supporting documents and declarations provided by the relevant parties.


Italian Design Brands S.p.A. ha pubblicato questo contenuto il 31 luglio 2023 ed è responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute. Distribuito da Public, senza apportare modifiche o alterazioni, il 31 luglio 2023 17:59:13 UTC.

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