30/04/2020 - Atlantia S.p.A.: Independent auditors reports

Independent auditors reports

Dettaglio comunicati

30 aprile 2020

Independent auditors reports

15:29 CEST Rome, April 30, 2020 - Following the press release issued on April 28, 2020 about the approval by the Board of Directors, on the same date, of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the draft financial statements for 2019, Atlantia informs that the independent auditor Deloitte & Touche has today issued the Reports pursuant to art. 14 Legislative Decree 27 January 2010, n. 39 and art. 10 of EU Reg. No. 537/2014 which is attached in full to this press release (Italian Version).


Atlantia S.p.A. ha pubblicato questo contenuto il 30 aprile 2020. La fonte è unica responsabile delle informazioni in esso contenute. Distribuito da Public, senza apportare modifiche o alterazioni, il 30 aprile 2020 13:38:02 UTC

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