06/09/2024 - Accentro Real Estate AG: First tranche of a secured bond successfully issued as part of the interim funding

First tranche of a secured bond successfully issued as part of the interim funding

Berlin, 6 September 2024- In implementing the announcement of mid-August 2024, ACCENTRO succeeded in securing further funding from some of its bondholders (the "financing bondholders") by issuing a secured bond from a subsidiary. Following the conclusion of constructive negotiations, the financing bondholders have now taken over the first tranche of EUR 9.8 million of the secured bond issued by ACCENTRO 2. Wohneigentum GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of ACCENTRO. ACCENTRO will use the funds from the first tranche in particular to make the interest payment on the 2020/2026 bond from August 2024. The payment is currently scheduled for 10 September 2024.

In addition, ACCENTRO is currently in advanced, constructive negotiations with the financing bondholders for the subscription of two further tranches totalling EUR 9.4 million. ACCENTRO expects the corresponding credit commitments to be signed in the next few days. These are subject to conditions precedent, which ACCENTRO is currently working on fulfilling. At the same time, negotiations with the bondholders on a comprehensive restructuring are continuing.

About ACCENTRO Real Estate AG

ACCENTRO Real Estate AG is a residential investor and market leader in residential privatisation in Germany. As of 30 September 2023, the property portfolio comprised 5,731 units with an area of around 334,000 square metres. The book value of the entire portfolio totalled around EUR 590 million. In addition to Berlin, the regional focus includes major central German cities and conurbations as well as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. ACCENTRO's business activities comprise three core areas. These include the tenant-oriented sale of flats to private owner-occupiers and investors, the sale of property portfolios to institutional investors, the management of its own property portfolio and services for third parties. The shares of ACCENTRO Real Estate AG are listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0KFKB, ISIN: DE000A0KFKB3). www.accentro.de


Accentro Real Estate AG published this content on 06 September 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on September 06, 2024 at 15:07:33 UTC.

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