01/11/2021 - 4imprint Group plc: 4imprint Group plc Remuneration Policy 2021

4imprint group plc remuneration policy 2021

Remuneration Policy

The following section sets out 4imprint Group plc's Directors' Remuneration Policy (the "Policy") which will be subject to a binding shareholder vote at the AGM in 2021 and will take effect from the date of the AGM.

Overview of key changes

The Committee has reviewed the Policy against evolving governance guidelines and market practice and has updated several elements of the Policy to bring it further in line with 'best practice', for example, introduction of a clawback provision on the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (or DABS); expansion of the 'trigger' events for malus and clawback; increased shareholding guideline limits; and introduction of a post-employment shareholding guideline.

In addition, we have added further explanatory details throughout the report for improved clarity around the Policy's operation (for example, we have expanded the sections on Executive Director recruitments and departures), as well as refreshing the format and style of the report to improve readability.

In addition to changes to the report and policy detail, we have made some changes to the operation of the Policy, as set out below:

Element of Policy

Overview of changes proposed to Policy


Annual Bonus

No increase to ongoing award levels for the current Executive Directors for

Plan (DABS)

FY21 (maximum opportunity of 100% of salary).

Introduction of an overall award limit of 150% of salary for use in future

years to maintain the ongoing competitiveness of the DABS for the 3-year

life of this Policy.

No change to the 5-year deferral policy.

Shareholding guidelines

Shareholding guidelines have been increased from 100% of salary to 200%

of salary. Executive Directors will have until their fifth annual bonus share

award grant to accumulate their shareholding and at least 50% of all share

incentives (net of tax) will be held back in order to assist the Executive

Directors to accumulate their holdings.

Post-employment shareholding guidelines have also been introduced.

Executive Directors will be expected to hold 200% of salary in Company

shares for 1 year from cessation of employment and hold 100% of salary

for a further year (a 2-year period in total). The post-employment

shareholding guideline will apply to all DABS awards granted after the date

of this Policy's approval.




Introduction of a clawback provision and expansion of the malus and

provisions on the DABS

clawback 'trigger' events.

Principles of Policy

The Committee is made up entirely of independent Non-Executive Directors to avoid any conflicts of interest and no individual is present at a Committee meeting where their own remuneration is discussed. The Committee ensures that it is kept up to date with published guidance from investors and shareholder representative bodies and current market practice, so that it can bear these factors in mind when formulating, and making decisions in connection with, the Policy. [Schedule 8 para 24(1A)]

The guiding principles underlying the Policy are:

  1. remuneration should be competitive when compared to remuneration in organisations of similar size and complexity in the relevant external market, without paying more than is necessary;
  2. subject to satisfying (i) above, remuneration should be considered in the context of wider employee pay and conditions and shareholder views;
  3. packages should be structured so that remuneration is aligned to both the strategy of the Company and long- term growth in Shareholder value;
  4. each element of the remuneration package should be clear, easy to understand and motivating;


  1. the overall package should be designed to take account of the performance of the business, to respond to regulatory changes but not to promote undesirable behaviour or to encourage unacceptable risk taking; and
  2. packages should be structured to avoid reward for failure.

Executive Director Policy Table

Element and



Performance Measures


Base salary

Base salaries are reviewed

Base salary increases will not

Not applicable


annually however increases are

normally exceed the average

4imprint to

not automatic.

increase awarded to the wider

attract and

Base salary adjustments reflect

workforce. However, in

retain executive

various factors, including

exceptional circumstances


increases for other employees

salary increases may exceed

across the 4imprint business;

this level.

individual and Company

performance; changes in role

and responsibilities; and pay at

companies of a similar size and

complexity in the relevant

external market.

Base salaries should be

competitive when compared to

similar roles at organisations of a

similar size and complexity in the

relevant external market.

Base salary increases are also

considered in the context of the

value of the total remuneration



Executive Director retirement

Executive Directors are eligible

Not applicable


benefits are limited to the

either (i) to participate in local

To provide a

opportunity offered to the local

Company pension


workforce. This is currently

arrangements, or (ii) subject to

level of

capped at 5% of base salary per

the discretion of the Committee,



to receive a salary supplement in

benefit in order

lieu of pension contributions,

to attract and

(which is not taken into account

retain executive

as salary for calculation of


annual bonus, or other benefits).

Other benefits

Benefit values are set at an

Typical benefits may include: (i)

Not applicable

To maintain

appropriate level taking into

company car or car allowance


account market practice.

paid in cash; (ii) private medical

in attracting and

The Committee reserves the

insurance for the executive and

retaining talent

discretion to approve a higher

his/her family; (iii) life assurance

level of benefits if it is considered

of up to four times base salary;

by the Committee to be

(iv) income protection insurance;

necessary, appropriate and in

and (v) access to independent

the best interests of the

professional advice when

Company and its stakeholders.


For example, this may include

Other benefits may also be

additional benefits to cover the

offered in line with those offered

cost of relocation or insurance

to other employees, such as


paid holiday.

The benefits offering may differ

to reflect the market practice of


Element and



Performance Measures


the country of employment or

domicile of the individual



The ongoing maximum potential

50% of the annual bonus is

Performance may be assessed

Annual Bonus

annual bonus opportunity is

delivered in cash.

using financial and non-financial


100% of base salary for FY21.

50% of the annual bonus is



However, the Policy provides the

deferred into share awards

Financial performance

To encourage

Committee with an overall

(generally nil-cost options,

measures may include:


maximum of 150% of base

conditional share awards or

profitability, revenue growth,

ownership and

salary for use in future years, for

other forms to meet regulatory or

cash generation, or other

to incentivise

example, in a recruitment

business needs) for 5 years

financial metrics that are aligned

and reward

scenario, or in order to maintain

following the date of grant. See

to the business strategy.

strong annual

the competitiveness of the bonus

Leaver Policy for exceptions to

Financial objectives generally


relative to the market taking into

this rule.

account for the majority of the

account Company and individual

Cash bonus and deferred share

annual bonus performance

performance and the potential

awards are typically allocated to


value of the rest of the

participants following the audit of

Non-financial, corporate

remuneration package. See

the Annual Report and Accounts

objectives may also be used,

Recruitment Policy for further

in the March following the

such as environmental, social


performance period.

and governance (ESG) metrics

The award for on-target

The number of nil cost options or

to the extent that they align with

performance is 50% of base

the Board's strategy and are

conditional share awards is

salary where awards are made

deemed to enhance prospective

in line with the ongoing

based on the share price on 31

long-term growth in Shareholder

maximum opportunity of 100% of

December of the financial year



to which annual performance

Performance measures and

Where the overall maximum of


targets are generally set at the

150% is employed, the on-target

The cash bonus and deferred

start of the financial year to

bonus opportunity may be

reflect the group's strategic

share awards are subject to

increased to 50% of the

priorities. Further details can be

clawback and malus provisions.

maximum, being 75% of base

found in the Annual Report on

See notes to the table.



Once awarded, the deferred

component of the annual award

will not be subject to further

performance targets.

Share Plans

Employees (including Executive

Periodic employee share option

Not applicable

To encourage

Directors) may save an agreed

plans open to all employees are

employee share

monthly amount, and options are

operated in the 4imprint Group.

ownership and

normally granted at a discount of

These take the form of HMRC

reward long-

up to 20% to the current share

approved Sharesave plans in the

term value


UK, and equivalent plans in the


Savings are capped at an


agreed monthly contribution rate,

and the option price is set at the

outset of the plan.


Executive Directors are expected

At least 50% of any vested share

Not applicable


to maintain a holding of shares in

awards (net of tax) from


the Company of at least 200% of

incentive arrangements are


annual base salary.

expected to be held in order to

alignment with

Executive Directors are also

accumulate the recommended


expected to maintain a

personal shareholding.


shareholding of at least 200% of

Executive Directors will have


base salary for 1 year following

until their fifth annual bonus


cessation of employment,

share award grant to accumulate

reduced to a holding of at least

their shareholding.


Element and



Performance Measures


long-term value

100% of base salary for the

The post-employment


second year following cessation.

shareholding guideline will be

See Leaver Policy for further

enforced through contractual



Notes to the Policy Table


When assessing incentive plan results and performance, the Committee retains the discretion to


reduce (including to nil) incentive pay-out levels if it is considered appropriate in exceptional


circumstances, for example, in the context of a significant health and safety failure, or an

exceptional negative event significantly impacting employees or shareholders.

Malus and Clawback

Malus and clawback provisions apply to both cash and deferred share elements of the DABS.

Malus includes the reduction (including to nil) of in-year and/or future year bonus amounts; and

the forfeiture or withholding of unvested deferred share awards and clawback involves the

recovery of annual bonus amounts that have been paid. Clawback may apply to cash bonus

payments made up to 2 years after the relevant payment date and for deferred share awards that

vested up to 5 years from the relevant grant date. These provisions may be invoked by the

Committee if it deems this to be appropriate in the context of one or more 'trigger' events. These


material misstatement (including omission) in the Company's accounts

the bonus/award was based on an error, or inaccurate or misleading information

serious misconduct

corporate failure

serious reputational damage

Discretion to amend

In the event of a variation in share capital or other event that may affect the share price, the

the future operation

number of shares subject to an award may be adjusted.

of the DABS

Minor amendments

Minor changes may be made to the Policy for regulatory or administrative purposes without

to the Policy and

seeking further shareholder approval for such an amendment.

remuneration under

The Committee may make payments notwithstanding that they are not within the current Policy if


they were agreed before:


the Company's first remuneration policy subject to binding shareholder approval came into


the Policy came into effect (provided they are in line with the remuneration policy at the time

of agreement), or

promotion (of the individual to which the payment relates) to the board of directors.


The Committee has selected financial measures as the primary method of determining


performance, as these metrics directly affect shareholder value. The Committee, when setting the

[Schedule 8 para

relevant targets, takes into account the Company's business plan and internal and external


forecasts for the business. Strategic performance conditions are set in line with the Company's

business plan and strategic priorities. At the end of the performance period, the Committee will

review performance against targets and may adjust formulaic outcomes for reasons such as (but

not limited to) disposals, acquisitions and changes in accounting treatment, if it is considered

necessary for a fair outcome in the context of wider company performance. Where discretion is

exercised the rationale and adjustment will be disclosed in the relevant Annual Report.


Executive Director Service contracts

Executive Directors have rolling service contracts, notice periods are 12 months from the Company and 6 months from the Executive Director. Any new Executive Director would be appointed on similar terms [Schedule 8 para 30A]. The Executive Directors' service contracts are available for inspection at the Company's registered office.

Executive Director Recruitment Policy

The following guidelines are followed by the Committee when considering the pay and employment terms for a new Executive Director:

  • The Committee aims to pay no more than is necessary to secure the right talent for the business
  • The ongoing remuneration policy for any new Executive Director will align to the remuneration policy for Executive Directors as set out in this Policy
  • Base salaries are set at a market rate in order to attract the appropriate person. Factors to be taken into account include: the individual's previous salary and remuneration package; the skills and experience of the individual; the salary of the previous role incumbent; and pay at organisations of similar size, complexity and sector in the relevant external market.
  • Special arrangements may be made for a new Executive Director in order to secure their appointment. These may include:
    o The Committee may choose to provide additional compensation for incentive awards forfeited by the executive upon joining 4imprint. In such cases, we would seek to apply similar conditions to forfeited awards including performance conditions; vesting and holding periods; and form of award. Any 'buyout' payment will be reduced by an equivalent amount in the event the Executive Director's former employer pays a portion of the remuneration that was deemed foregone. Where possible, existing incentive plans will be used to satisfy such awards, however, in the event that this is not appropriate, the Committee retains the right to use the Listing Rules exemption for the purposes of a 'buy-out' award.
    o An increased award limit exists under the DABS of 150% of base salary which may be used upon recruitment of a new Executive Director.
    o For external and internal appointments, the Committee may agree that the Company will meet certain relocation expenses and legal fees as it considers to be appropriate. Assistance will be subject to reasonable clawback for service of less than 12 months.

Corporate events

Upon a takeover, unvested deferred shared awards under the DABS would normally vest in full immediately. Awards may be exchanged to the extent that an offer to exchange awards for new awards is made and accepted by the award holder.


This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


4imprint Group plc published this content on 01 November 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 01 November 2021 17:13:02 UTC.

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